A list of some inventions of Dr. med. Sci. Ovchinnikov Nikolai Dmitrievich
The above invention may be implemented in the following projects.
Pp | ||
1. | A brief explanatory note | 1 |
2. | Description of the nature of projects: | 2 |
2.1. | "Fit" | 2 |
2.2. | "Driver" | 3 |
2.3. | "Diagnostics" | 4 |
2.4. | "Senior" | 4 |
2.5. | "Emotsiokorrektor" | 5 |
2.6 | "Sportpotentsial" | 6 |
2.7. | "Psychic" | 7 |
2.8. | "The crisis-expert" | 8 |
2.9. | "Magnitobiorezistentnost" | 8 |
2.10. | "Color vision" | 9 |
2.11. | "Fizvokaliz" | 9 |
2.12. | "Sportreyting" | 10 |
2.13. | "Pedagogy" | 10 |
2.14. | "Boditester" | 11 |
2.15. | "Biodynamic model of the human body" | 11 |
Practice shows that many people in the course of their work, sports or other activities that forced to operate in a significant physical, information and psycho-emotional stress, often fail to achieve desired results. Causes of failures in the carrier of labor (with control machines) or during sports activities are usually different dizadaptivnye state, manifested in disorders of the leading integrated operation of physiological systems and, above all, in the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). State information analysis CNS structures determines a person's ability to comprehend and appreciate a fast-paced sport situations formation rate required to achieve the success of complex motor programs, the level of stress and emotional mobilization needed to achieve success time. Search for effective methods of developing early detection dizadaptivnyh states and minimize damage to human health caused by the subject of our work.
The "Fit" "Contactless hypervigilance driversvehicles "
Problem: Up to 80% of accidents and disasters of vehicles due to improper or untimely action by the driver as a result of their disconnection from the process control (sleep with your eyes open.). Purpose: To determine the initial signs of the state of monotony at the driver to disconnect from the process of driving, to warn him of the need to intensify and, in the absence of his reaction to take action to prevent an accident.
Scientific basis: Monitoring the functional activity of the driver can be implemented in terms of his body radiation in the infrared.
Method: Remote control contactless thermal state of the body of a vehicle driver.
Patent Protection: There's certificate of the Russian Federation on the way to control the level of consciousness of man.
Consumers: The manufacturers of vehicles and transport companies whose drivers are working on long intercity routes, owners of private cars (security of personal and public transport).
Profitability: reduced damage from the loss of life as a result of accidents and disasters of vehicles (cars, buses, locomotives, aircraft, etc.) to 20-33%.
Business proposal: to confirm a patent for the device "Cheerfulness", to establish a pilot first, and then the mass production of devices for contactless control of the level of consciousness drivers.
Problem: Up to 80% of accidents and disasters of vehicles due to improper or untimely action by the driver due to lower them professionally important psychophysiological qualities as a result of overwork, emerging diseases, etc.
Purpose: To determine the level of psychophysiological alert drivers to control the speed of vehicles and to allow (or not allow) them to work in the event of non-compliance with certain requirements.
Scientific basis: The level of operational readiness on the state of the driver's information and analytical structures of the central nervous system, namely the speed of perception and analysis of the situation and the rate of formation of motor programs for the implementation of management actions taken in the cerebral cortex.
Method: Monitor the status of the most important professional abilities of the drivers in terms of psycho-physiological functions of the "compensatory tracking" and "monitoring the displacement of the subjective sound image" and "rate of formation of motor programs." Test takes 4-6 minutes, to ensure accuracy and objectivity of the evaluation (the device can not cheat).
Patent Protection: There are materials for 3 patent applications for inventions ways to evaluate job alert drivers.
Consumers: Transport companies, whose drivers are working on long intercity routes, owners of private cars (security of personal and public transport).
Profitability: reduced damage from the loss of life as a result of accidents and disasters of vehicles (cars, buses, locomotives, aircraft, etc.) to 20-33%.
Business proposal: to confirm the patents for complex devices "driver", to establish a pilot first, and then the mass production of devices for contactless control of the level of consciousness drivers.
Problem: Many people (40%) are unable to maintain their physical and psycho-emotional health, to achieve the desired success in their lives because of various maladaptive disorders in the activities of its host system.
Objective: To identify early signs of people developing maladaptive states, character disorders functioning of information and analytical structures of various parts of the central nervous system.
Scientific basis: Status of information and analytical structures of the central nervous system may be established according to the fair presentation of the indicators of excitability and lability, speed setting intercentral relations, information analysis, etc.
Method: Assessment of higher nervous activity in the survey carried out by the developed human NEIL ONDIZ techniques.
Patent protection: There were 6 Russian patents on methods for determining the functional state of the central nervous system.
Consumers: Research laboratories studying human activity during physical activities (sports), information (educational institutions) and emotional stress (law enforcement agencies), health care, etc.
Profitability: Knowledge of the laws of human thinking. Improving the health of the population. Sales of computer diagnostiskih programs via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic databases and software for their use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic programs to protect human health and ensure their creative longevity.
Problem: A large number of older people (40%) there was a sharp deterioration in the health and disruption of social ties with the community after retirement. Must teach them to maintain their physical and psycho-emotional health, to achieve high quality of life and high creativity.
Objective: To identify early signs of pensioners maladaptive states, character disorders functioning of information and analytical structures of various parts of the central nervous system of humans and to teach them to achieve a high quality of life, provided creative longevity.
Scientific basis: Achieve the desired activity of information and analytical structures of the central nervous system, retirees can be achieved with the reliable assessment of the nature of violations and identify the best means and methods of correction.
Method: Evaluation of the functional state of the higher nervous activity in the survey carried out by the developed pensioners NEIL ONDIZ techniques.
Patent protection: There were 6 Russian patents on methods for determining the functional state of the central nervous system.
Consumers: Research laboratories studying human activity during physical activities (sports), information (educational institutions) and emotional stress (law enforcement agencies), health care and hundreds of thousands of retirees.
Profitability: Knowledge of the rules of preserving and strengthening the health of older people. Improving the health of the population. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic databases and software for their use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic programs to protect human health and ensure their creative longevity.
Problem: In a significant number of children and adolescents (70%) with the onset of puberty in the body modifications has been a sharp deterioration in the health, develop various maladaptive state deviant delikventnye and behavioral reactions, etc. Parents, teachers and educators in many cases are not able to identify the real causes of deterioration of mental and emotional health of teenagers and for using the optimal and effective correctional practices.
Objective: To identify features of maladaptive conditions in children and adolescents and to find effective means and methods of physical training and emotional impact, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.
Scientific basis: Maladaptive conditions in children and adolescents develop the type of failure of regulation systems of the physical, physiological and emotional development. In order to correct the above mentioned systems failure to use appropriate and adequate stimulation and correction methods, namely, adaptive physical education program 1, 2 or 3.
Method: Evaluation of the functional state of the higher nervous activity of children and adolescents in the survey carried out by the developed NEIL ONDIZ methodologies and selection of intervention programs carried out by scientific research professionals.
Patent protection: There were 6 Russian patents on methods for determining the functional state of the central nervous system, including children and adolescents.
Consumers: Research Laboratory, has been conducted in children and adolescents in educational loads (education), institutions implementing selection correction of deviant behavioral responses of children and adolescents at risk.
Profitability: The correction of behavioral reactions in children and adolescents, raising the moral welfare of the community, reducing youth crime. Improving the health of the population. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic databases and software for their use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic programs to diagnose maladaptive conditions in children and adolescents, the correction of deviant behavioral, health, and provide moral and moral welfare of the young generation.
Problem: In a significant number of children and adolescents (70%) with the onset of puberty in the body modifications has been a sharp deterioration in the health, develop various maladaptive state deviant delikventnye and behavioral reactions, etc. Parents, teachers and educators in many cases are not able to identify the real causes of deterioration of mental and emotional health of teenagers and for using the optimal and effective correctional practices.
Purpose: To psihonormalizuyuschee effect on the central nervous system of children and adolescents with physiological methods of stimulation light color, remove depression, improve mental performance based on accurate data about the individual characteristics of the child.
Scientific basis: the flickering light-color stimuli at a special science-based program of adjustment to provide information and analytical structures of the central nervous system to the optimal in each case to the regime.
Method: Light-color stimuli directed to the right and left hemispheres of the brain provide a physiological correction of the vital centers of activity of the child. Correction procedure can last from 4 to 12 minutes, the pacing mode is controlled using a handheld programming device. The positive effect of the correction of mental and emotional state is maintained for several days after a single exposure or a few weeks at a series of 10-15 sessions of stimulation.
Patent Protection: Methodology physiological correction of emotional state of the person is protected by RF patent.
Consumers: Research Laboratory, has been conducted in children and adolescents in educational loads (education), teachers, carrying out the educational process of children at risk (juvenile offenders), persons prone to depression, people experience the traumatic effects of of accidents, disasters, etc.
Profitability: Reducing the number of cases of deviant behavior in children and adolescents, the number of suicides after stressful situations (serious illness, death of loved ones, etc.), increase efficiency experts as necessary to operate in dangerous and emergency situations, etc. Improving the moral welfare of the community, reducing youth crime.
Problem: In a significant number of children and adolescents (70%) with the onset of puberty in the body modifications has been a sharp deterioration in the health, develop various maladaptive state deviant delikventnye and behavioral reactions, etc. Parents, teachers and educators in many cases are not able to identify the real causes of deterioration of mental and emotional health of teenagers and for using the optimal and effective correctional practices.
Purpose: To psihonormalizuyuschee effect on the central nervous system of children and adolescents with physiological methods of stimulation light color, remove depression, improve mental performance based on accurate data about the individual characteristics of the child.
Scientific basis: the flickering light-color stimuli at a special science-based program of adjustment to provide information and analytical structures of the central nervous system to the optimal in each case to the regime.
Method: Light-color stimuli directed to the right and left hemispheres of the brain provide a physiological correction of the vital centers of activity of the child. Correction procedure can last from 4 to 12 minutes, the pacing mode is controlled using a handheld programming device. The positive effect of the correction of mental and emotional state is maintained for several days after a single exposure or a few weeks at a series of 10-15 sessions of stimulation.
Patent Protection: Methodology physiological correction of emotional state of the person is protected by RF patent.
Consumers: Research Laboratory, has been conducted in children and adolescents in educational loads (education), teachers, carrying out the educational process of children at risk (juvenile offenders), persons prone to depression, people experience the traumatic effects of of accidents, disasters, etc.
Profitability: Reducing the number of cases of deviant behavior in children and adolescents, the number of suicides after stressful situations (serious illness, death of loved ones, etc.), increase efficiency experts as necessary to operate in dangerous and emergency situations, etc. Improving the moral welfare of the community, reducing youth crime. Improving the health of the population. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented psycho programs to mass-produce portable devices to correct and stimulate the activity of the cerebral dynamic systems of the human brain.
Problem: The physical education teachers and coaches usually have to decide on which of the children or a high-quality athletes in the future is able to show their expected good results. This is usually done on a number of subjective sensations coach, which often leads to wrong decisions. To date, the method for calculating the integral measure of functional readiness athlete to achieve their athletic goals and to determine its ranking figure in a sports team does not exist.
Objective: Learn to identify objective criteria and indicators notifiable talented in sports for children and the degree of individual readiness for the competition class athletes.
Scientific basis: The level of innate athletic talents of children and adolescents, and the effectiveness of the sports-training regime for student athletes to a great extent determined by the rate of formation of motor programs in their central nervous system.
Method: Using a special computer program for 2-3 minutes at the surveyed child or athlete determine the rate of formation of motor programs in the central nervous system and make objective conclusion on the progress or lack of trainees as the physical condition of the person.
Patent protection: Method for determining the speed of formation of motor programs in the human central nervous system are patented.
Consumers: sports organizations, research laboratories, has been conducted in children and adolescents in educational loads (schools), teachers and trainers that train the young and qualified athletes for competitions, athletes and sportsmen to control the level of personal athletic training.
Profitability: Improving fitness and educational work with children and adolescents, the optimization of sports training regimes for student athletes, increasing the success of sportsmen in important competitions. Improving health, reducing youth crime. Improving the health of the population. Sales of computer diagnostic physical condition of children and qualified athletes programs via the Internet.
Business offer: patent computer programs to determine the rate of formation of motor programs, mass production of portable equipment to determine the speed intercentral connections in the central nervous system of humans.
Problem: A lot of people tend to believe themselves to be able to ESP information, and a number of real psychics among them does not exceed 0.7%. The remaining 99.3% are either honestly deluded people, or swindlers, deftly banknotes are withdrawn from the pockets of gullible simpletons. The specialists agree that the existence of the phenomenon of extra-sensory perception is undeniable.
Objective: Learn to identify objective criteria and indicators notifiable people able to perceive difficult to see the information.
Scientific basis: It is known that not all the ingested information they felt at the highest level - in the cerebral cortex of the brain. The level of perception of the information for the capacity of the so-called brain-information filters. Using a specially developed methods can determine birth limits of perception, and, consequently, the level of individual psychic talents.
Method: Using a special computer program under test for 2-3 minutes impose meaningful and masking signals and their ability to determine the ratio of the capacity of human information filters and perception of information subjects.
Patent Protection: Methodology of psychic ability of information and analytical structures of the central nervous system ready for patenting the invention.
Consumers: Health facilities, research laboratories, studying the activity of the human body with loads of educational (schools), experts who think they possess psychic abilities, professionals involved in the professional selection of candidates for a responsible professional work.
Profitability: Improving health improvement work with the population, improving health, reducing violent crime. Sales of computer diagnostic software psychic abilities through the Internet.
Business offer: patent computer programs to determine the rate of formation of motor programs, mass production of portable devices to determine psychic ability of the central nervous system of man.
Problem: In the conditions of modern life with the ever-increasing flow of information from some traumatic emotionally unstable individuals may develop depression and have thoughts of suicide. In the world of about 1 million people a year (in Russia, about 50 thousand people) to commit suicide, and is 3-4 times more people commit a failed suicide attempt. Many suicides among the elderly, teenagers and even children. Doctors, parents, and teachers in many cases are not able to identify the real causes of deterioration of mental and emotional health and to find them effective psycho techniques.
Objective: To reveal a tendency among the surveyed people prone to the development of marked depression and help prevent their suicide.
Scientific basis: Maladaptive status and susceptibility to auto-aggressive behavior by the lack of regulation systems psychophysical and emotional state. In order to correct the above mentioned systems failure to use appropriate and adequate methods of stimulating the nerve centers of the brain.
Method: thoughtful science-based physiological stimulation of the nerve centers of the brain is possible to achieve the effect of reducing the doldrums. The impact is on the developed NEIL ONDIZ techniques.
Patent Protection: There are 4 Russian patents on ways to identify the degree of emotional stress rights, including children and adolescents.
Consumers: Research Laboratory, has been conducted in children and adolescents in educational loads (education), institutions implementing selection correction of deviant behavioral responses of children and adolescents at risk.
Profitability: The early identification of emotional stress in people with risk of suicidal tendencies. Improving welfare of the society, reduced suicides. Improving the health of the population. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic databases and software for their use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic programs to diagnose auto-aggressive tendencies in people.
Problem: During solar flares occur on Earth geomagnetic disturbances affecting the functional status and the level of health of sensitized persons. These people can significantly worsen health, exacerbated chronic disease, increased mortality. In addition, workers serving modern industrial systems with high levels of electromagnetic radiation, may occur leading to disability pathological processes.
Objective: Identify the professional selection for individuals whose bodies are extremely sensitive to changes of geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields.
Scientific basis: Indicators of individual resistance to electrical surges and geo-electromagnetic fields caused by features of the metabolism of each person. These features are measurable using a specially developed technique.
Method: valid methods of testing can determine the individual sensitivity to changes in voltage and geo-electromagnetic fields. According to test results issued conclude with recommendations. The impact is on the developed NEIL ONDIZ techniques.
Patent Protection: Yes RF patent for ways to identify the degree of individual resistance to electrical surges and geo-electromagnetic fields.
Consumers: Research laboratories studying the activity of the body of people under the influence of unfavorable factors of environment, health and citizens concerned with the protection of their health.
Profitability: Timely detection of sensitivity to changes in voltage and geo-magnetic fields will reduce morbidity, will increase the level of public health. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic databases and software for their use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of individual sensitivity of people to changes in voltage and geo-electromagnetic fields.
Problem: Some people in the survey with the help of tables identified Rabkin of color vision. Suffer from this lack of drivers may incorrectly perceive the traffic lights, which can lead to an accident. Good perception of color may also need specialists in many other professions.
Purpose: When selecting a professional to detect violations of color vision.
Scientific basis: There are different theories of color vision Helmholtz Yashimoto etc. In the human retina there are receptors - cones, which perceive light - electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths as color. The very process of color vision is in the brain centers.
Method: valid methods of testing with the presentation of a person of color intermittent pulse frequency is possible with a high degree of accuracy to determine the nature of color vision. According to test results issued conclude with recommendations. The impact is on the developed NEIL ONDIZ techniques.
Patent Protection: Yes RF patent for a method and apparatus for detection of color vision in humans.
Consumers: Research laboratories studying the activity of the human body, health and citizens concerned with the protection of their health and safety.
Profitability: The early identification of people with impaired color vision reduce emergency vehicles, will increase the level of public health. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic test to determine color vision and program for its use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of color vision in people.
Problem: The survey shows that many people do not know how to breathe and regulate its activity. It is known that the singing voice is the spread vibrations throughout the body and normalizes many physiological processes. Singing can significantly improve health, cure chronic diseases and reduce mortality rates.
Purpose: To teach people with voice exercises to normalize the functioning of the organism and to provide a high level of health.
Scientific basis: During the singing voice vibrations spread throughout the body and stimulate the many vital functions of the body, the metabolism of man. These features are measurable using a specially developed technique.
Method: The voice of scientific methods of exercise can increase metabolism, brain activity. According to test results issued conclude with recommendations. The impact is on the developed NEIL ONDIZ techniques.
Patent protection: patent application prepared by means of RF health through voice exercises.
Consumers: Research laboratories studying the activity of the body of people under the influence of unfavorable factors of environment, health and citizens concerned with the protection of their health.
Profitability: Education effective methods to promote their health to most people. This will result in reduced morbidity, will increase the level of public health. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: proprietary software Method "Fizvokaliz" for their use. To mass production and marketing programs.
Problem: Specialists in preparation for a responsible professional work has to decide on which of high class athletes can show the expected good results from it. This is usually done on a number of subjective sensations coach, which often leads to wrong decisions. To date, the method for calculating the integral measure of functional readiness athlete to achieve their athletic goals and to determine its ranking figure in a sports team does not exist.
Purpose: To develop criteria and procedures to identify the team most capable athletes.
Scientific approach to reliably determine reytinka athletes Indicators: abilities to assess rapidly changing game situation, the speed of formation of motor programs, algorithm of the information-analytical structures, to determine the degree of emotional stress athletes.
Method: In order to obtain reliable estimates of human capabilities to perceive rapidly changing information (during sporting events) with fast and work out solutions with the formation of motor programs in the motor areas of the brain to determine the excitability of the corresponding nerve centers and lability of nervous processes, the formation of motor programs in the right and left hemispheres of the brain, the dominant algorithm functioning of information and analytical structures of CNS and degree of emotional stress man. Within 12-15 minutes the athlete responds to a particular program by pressing button switches the device and measurement data indicators critical flicker frequency and speed of sensorimotor reactions to the test signals of different colors is an expert judgment on the functional activity of certain nerve centers.
Patent Protection: Yes RF patent for a method for determining ranking athlete on the team.
Consumers: Research laboratories studying the activity of the body of people under the influence of unfavorable factors. The method allows more confident coach calculate the strategy and tactics of the sport competition and more likely to expect to achieve success. According to a survey issued science-based conclusion with recommendations for optimizing the training mode and predictive assessment of the likelihood of success in the upcoming sport.
Profitability: Early Results of surveys of members of national teams of Russia on hockey, volleyball and track and field have confirmed the high information content of the data and allow us to recommend a method for the diagnosis in order to improve the effectiveness of sports activity. Sales of computer diagnostic software via the Internet.
Business offer: Patented diagnostic databases and software for their use. To mass production and marketing of diagnostic programs to use the device and diagnostic test method can significantly improve the success of athletes in competitions responsible.
Problem: Functional status and behavioral responses of children and adolescents are largely determined by the influence of subcortical centers emotsioreguliruyuschih important physiological parameters, cognitive processes, and motivation to achieve their goals. To date on the major psychological and emotional conditions of children and adolescents practicing teachers are judged on a number of subjective criteria: the level of irritability, mood swings and other low fidelity indicators, which often leads to teacher error.
Purpose: To provide optimal conditions for the growth and development of children and adolescents.
Scientific basis: The method is based on determining the influence of subcortical structures dynamic emotiogenic centers on the functional state of the cerebral cortex. Initiated by the subcortical structures generating emotions and impulses in the frontal regions of the brain PreCentral activates the nerve centers and gain training and education programs for the mobilization of student active in the perception and assimilation of information. Until now, this method does not exist.
Method: The subject is a student offered pressing push-button switches to respond to the presentation of light and color signals of different colors. At high rates of reactions to the test signals concludes predominance of excitatory and inhibitory processes in generating negative emotional states emotiogenic subcortical brain structures. On the basis of the examination by the proposed method, the expert can draw conclusions about the pedagogical tactics further work with the student. Testing method does not require special training of students and teachers. The method is straightforward for the tested children and adolescents, can be more confident teacher to determine the optimal teaching tactics of the educational process.
Patent protection: Prepared invention
Consumers: Parents and teachers.
Profitability: The surveys of children and adolescents have confirmed high information obtained by the proposed method, the data on the state of the central nervous system and recommend to optimize the functional status and improve the educational process.
Business proposal: Develop a testing program with access to the best practices for each child.
Problem: The level of child and adolescent health is largely determined by posture. Objective definition of posture allows you to select the most able children, for them to choose the optimal method of training regime.
Purpose: The diagnosis and issue recommendations.
Scientific basis: The state is determined posture and tone muscles through special exercises can achieve correction of lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis.
Method: The sample person photographed with a digital camera, the image is subjected to computer analysis, diagnose and pick correction program. The method was developed for the first time, allows to quantitatively determine the status of the program and pick posture correction. According to the survey results for each of the surveyed student is issued a scientifically based conclusion with recommendations for optimizing motor mode.
Legal protection: a Russian patent for the invention.
Consumers: childcare. Health.
Profitability: The surveys of children and adolescents have confirmed the high information content of the data and correction of posture disorders in children and adolescents.
Business proposal: to produce devices for diagnosis of posture with recommendations for correction.
Problem: When determining the level of safety of drivers and passengers of vehicles using crash tests, which use the model of the human body. According to its strength and dynamic characteristics are different from those of the body of a living person and do not reflect the nature of their injuries received.
Purpose: Diagnosis of lesions in humans with shock-and-vibration dynamic effects.
Scientific basis: It is necessary to simulate weight and growth, elastic-elastic, strength and dynamism of the human body.
Method: The finished model of the skeleton and soft tissues of the human body from materials that mimic the strength characteristics of the human body. Must be equipped models of the human body acceleration sensors.
Legal protection: a Russian patent for the invention.
Consumers: the car manufacturer. Tests of security devices: parachutes, catapults, etc.
Profitability: We need dozens of models of the human body to test car safety.
Business proposal: to produce models of the human body to test vehicle safety.
We will be very pleased to get the feedback and comments and propose our cooperation under this topic.